Article first published on on 5 March 2022, written by Paula Sartini
Article first published on on 5 March 2022, written by Paula Sartini
Article first published on on 30 September 2021, written by Paula Sartini
Marketing technology (martech) is growing in popularity, and there is no shortage of statistics to support the benefits that technology can bring to the marketing arena. However, while many software offer...
Marketing technology (martech) is growing in popularity, and there is no shortage of statistics to support the benefits that technology can bring to the marketing arena. However, while many software offerings and tools tout to help marketing teams achieve their goals and objectives, they can also ad...
Article first published on on 7 June 2021, written by Paula Sartini
Document creation and management have a big impact on the day-to-day life of a knowledge worker and subsequently on a company. Generating documents is a time-staking process with the average employee spending ap...
Document creation and management have a big impact on the day-to-day life of a knowledge worker and subsequently on a company. Generating documents is a time-staking process with the average employee spending approximately 50% of their time creating and preparing documents [1]. Despite this time inv...